Tag Archives: Japan

[NBN Episode] Federico Marcon, The Knowledge of Nature and the Nature of Knowledge in Early Modern Japan

Syndicated from: http://newbooksineastasianstudies.com/2015/09/22/federico-marcon-the-knowledge-of-nature-and-the-nature-of-knowledge-in-early-modern-japan-u-of-chicago-2015/ Continue reading [NBN Episode] Federico Marcon, The Knowledge of Nature and the Nature of Knowledge in Early Modern Japan

[NBN Episode] Paul A Christensen, Japan, Alcoholism and Masculinity: Suffering Sobriety in Tokyo

Syndicated from: http://newbooksineastasianstudies.com/2015/08/19/paul-a-christensen-japan-alcoholism-and-masculinity-suffering-sobriety-in-tokyo-lexington-books-2014/
Continue reading [NBN Episode] Paul A Christensen, Japan, Alcoholism and Masculinity: Suffering Sobriety in Tokyo